I am an experienced keynote speaker. I give presentations to businesses, public lectures, teacher workshops, and often visit schools and colleges to talk to students of all levels. If you would like me to come to your institution, please email me.

Corporate talks

If you are looking for a speaker who can entertain and enlighten on the subject of maths, data, numbers, science or puzzles, look no further!

The companies at which I have spoken include Google, Nike, M&C Saatchi, Wieden+Kennedy, Citywire, Hotels.com, the Data Lab, CLSA and Bradesco bank.


I have presented many keynotes at education conferences, including events run by Cambridge Assessment, the Association of Colleges, Partners in Excellence (PiXL), and several regional MathsHubs. My talks aim to inspire maths teachers with a passion for the subject.

FOR STUDENTS (Secondary and sixth form)

I love visiting schools to enthuse students about the joys of mathematics. I have several different talks aimed at students of all ages and abilities. Please contact me for more details.


Most of my talks at primary schools are based on Football School, the book series I write with Ben Lyttleton. We come into your school and turn it into a real life Football School, with interactive sessions that teach subjects like biology, geography, drama, maths and English through football.


We asked Alex to speak at our department’s annual training week, and we weren’t disappointed. For 45 minutes he inspired and amused us, getting 70 analysts to think outside their daily work and view numbers in a different light. Thank you, Alex!

Tara Protheroe, Hotels.com

Fab presentation. I liked that it was so interactive and different.

Great interactive session. Thought provoking and enjoyable

Very thought provoking and with implications on advising investors and how they perceive and assimilate information. when and how it is presented to them, and then deal with the decision making process

Comments from attendees at CityWire Fixed Income Retreat, conference for investors.

Alex delivered the keynote address at our annual teaching and learning conference. Inspiring is one of those words that has become almost a cliché. But when applied to Alex Bellos and his ideas about maths it doesn't do him justice. His understanding of how maths can provide meaning, shape our view of the world and transform our perceptions of a subject long feared by many is simply magical. Over 400 colleagues attended his address and over 400 colleagues gave rave reviews. His passion for maths and understanding of how culture informs the teaching and learning of maths has changed the way we at this education establishment think about the subject

Dr Julie Mills, Principal and CEO, Milton Keynes College.

Alex spoke…to an audience of over 900 A-level mathematics students.  He provided the audience with inspiration and wonder, delivering complex maths in an engaging and accessible manner.  It was an absolute pleasure to have such an interesting speaker inspire our audience- thank you! Comments from teachers included:  "Absolutely fantastic, really interesting!" - "Our group loved the Game of Life, it really helped the students think outside of normal classroom maths." "Loved the world’s favourite number segment - great anecdotes and a very accomplished speaker."

Dr Anna Webb, Head of Maths and Science Programmes, The Training Partnership.

Alex Bellos was entertaining, compelling, interesting and amusing. We will never think about numbers in the same way again!

Louise Matthews, Head of Every Child Counts, Edge Hill University.

Alex has a natural, easy way of speaking to young audiences. He deftly mixes fascinating stories of his travels around the world, with insightful and thought provoking theories of how numbers, mathematics and culture are inextricably linked. Many of our Year 10 students find maths challenging and would not normally find a morning talk about mathematics palatable. However, Alex sought to involve them right from the start in reflecting on the way we use numbers. His infectious enthusiasm shone through and made for a highly engaging start to the day.

Peter Agnew, Headteacher, Darland High School, Rossett.

Alex Bellos gave a fascinating and brilliantly presented talk for Off the Shelf. The talk was pitched perfectly for the mathematicians in the audience and those for whom numbers are more of a mystery. The audience feedback was so positive – every survey marked excellent. I have been to hundreds of events and it was definitely one of my highlights. Really hope to welcome him back to our festival in the future.

Lesley Webster, festival manager, Off the Shelf Festival of Words, Sheffield.

Alex's enthusiasm for his subject and his ability to approach it from an outsider's point of view was the secret of our audience's enjoyment of his talk. Without talking down to us, he took us on a journey to explain mathematics that elicited gasps of amazement. It was a pleasure to spend an hour or so in the hands of such a brilliant communicator.

Paul Lavin, Director, Chester Literature Festival.