Errata and Clarifications



At the bottom of the page, the Ogham word on the left is ‘birch’, and the word on the right is ‘spruce’. (In early editions, the words are transposed.)


Footnote: the correct pronunciation of Ysbyty Ystwyth is Uss-butty Uss-twith.


Bottom line of the page: the ‘or’ should be ‘Or’.

P89 There is a tiny error in Text 2, shown below. The symbol in blue should be identical to the symbol in red in Text 1.


Puzzle 65: The correct spelling of the word for ‘expert knitter’ is YAK’INUXW


Puzzle 72: The final sentence should read: ‘So, if ‘hates’ is silami, then ‘loves’ is milasi, and so on.’


Puzzle 74. I stated incorrectly that the final -s on the Esperanto verb forms denotes the third person singular. In fact, all conjugated verb forms end in an -s irrespective of number and person.


Puzzle 94: d) Kurukwasi


Puzzle 100. Part 2. The answer is (a).

KINDLE VERSION: Puzzle 29, the first equation is garbled. It should read ‘asumano x aleeb = bokob


Question 28. Assume that the captain counts out the first arbitrary sailor, in position a. Also, the captain will kill the first five counted out, and save the remaining five (not vice versa, as appears in the book.)

The solution for saving the French sailors is a = 7, b = 29.

Question 32: The question should include requirement that each attempt at opening the door must be an input of seven different digits. So, you could input 1234567, but not 1123456.

Question 120: In the solution there is a typo. The probability of Lose, Win, Win in the first list should be 54/250, giving a probability of 144/250 for ‘Beast, Mouse, Beast’. Likewise, on p267 the fraction 126/250 should be 144/250.

Can You Solve My Problems?

Depending on which edition of the book you have some of the following questions may have these errors:

Question 24: Wizards on a Bus.

I erroneously stated that wizard A does not have more than one child aged 1. In fact, he may have more than one child aged 1.

The online reference is here.

Question 36: Sangaku Triangle.

You need to assume that the square is a square.

Question 80: Planting Ten Trees.

The coins must be replaced on the paper.

Question 114: Dictionary Corner.

The last odd entry is 2,000,000,002,223